Tuesday 24 November 2009

i knew this would happen.

Okay so I completly forgot about this for a few days. I knew it would happen. Oops. I'll try and be better in the future.

Went home on Thursday for the weekend. Realized I much prefer it here. I saw Lostprophets at Union Chapel on Friday though - amazing. One of the best experiences ever. Acoustic in a chapel? Perfect.

I did a quick model portfolio shoot with Rhiana on Saturday as she's applying to be on Britain's Next Top Model. Here's one of the photos from that.

Back at uni now though. Arms are killing me from carrying heavy bags through the underground... I could do with a nice hot bath and a cuddle. Instead I'm going to be sitting at this desk doing work all fucking evening.

My deadline is tomorrow. I am completely stressed and want to curl up into a ball and cry.

I best do more work. This is to distract me from being stressy at everyone....

Tuesday 17 November 2009

darkroom tomorrow.

So I didn't get chance to get any photos yesterday. In Cardiff all day the weather was pretty dull, this combined with random outbursts of rain doesn't encourage nice photos. And the signing was very quick - no chance to take some silly photos.

I felt so old at the signing everyone there was about 14. Starting to think I'm too old to queue up just to get a vinyl signed. Pfft!

I'm going to the darkroom tomorrow so I'll get some more prints - if I get chance to scan them I will.

I've decided my final for the project will be digital based so I sent off for the print from Kodak online today. Hopefully it comes through in time :) This is the photo I chose as my final - what do you think?

I much prefer this to my film prints I uploaded on Sunday...

Sunday 15 November 2009

a few photos.

I'm going to TRY and keep this up to date - but you'll probably assume I'll fail. Actually, I'm assuming that already. Unless I start now and get into a routine with this I'll forget about it for all eternity.

I'm not going to upload all my old photos - or put my portfolio on here. Because that defeats the idea of it being a blog.

So lets start from my last flickr update.

I did a shoot with Danni Dolly in Cardiff about a month ago for my first uni project called Street Life. I only just got round to scanning in my 35mm film prints so here they are. I know that they are not my strongest photos but I'll get better at film eventually :)

Model - Danni Dolly (modelmayhem #867329)
MUA - Aimee Preece (modelmayhem #1336318)
Hair - Danni Dolly
First Assistant - Amy Souter
Photography and Post-processing - Me

Anyways I know this isn't my best work but I'll be uploading everything and anything to this. Tomorrow I am going to The Blackout signing in Cardiff so expect so photos from that :)


Saturday 14 November 2009

It's about time.

I've been meaning to start up a photography blog for a long time now but just never got round to it and thought I'd save it for a rainy day (literally) The weather sounds ridiculous outside - I can hear the rain crashing against my window in the wind and if I'm honest - I don't even want to open the curtains. So here I am sitting in bed with my macbook starting up a blog.

I'm going to try and keep this as a photo blog with a few rambles here and there. So expect lots of photos from my shoots - I think this is probably a better idea than uploading 10 pictures from a shoot to flickr then deleting a load of them - that seems kind of silly.

Anyways - I just set this up. It's looking kind of bland so I might do some html and make it pretty... I'm not sure... I'll probably come back and forth to this in between filling my work book for my module deadline in a few weeks...

I have a zillion other online profiles so feel free to add any of them :)

www.facebook.com/vickiroach (friends only I'm afraid

I'll upload some photos later on
